Informed Consent

Dear Participant,
hello and welcome to project Freud(e). this app is collecting data for research. We aim to get a better understanding of human behavior and mental processes. For this purpose, in the games on this side, your behavior will be measured (e. g. choices, reaction times).

Your participation in is voluntary. You may withdraw your consent to participate at any time without giving reasons and without prejudice.

The results and anonymized data collected in this study might be published in a scientific publication. This will happen in an anonymized format so that no data can be traced back to a specific person. The completely anonymized data of this study will be made available to other researchers and/or on the internet via the data archive Open Science Framework (OSF). By doing so, this study follows the recommendations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPS, German Psychological Society) regarding quality assurance in research.

If you have any questions now or after the experiment, please contact Younes Strittmatter.

By playing the games you declare, that you understand the above-described conditions of participation and agree to participate under these conditions.